
South Euclid United Church of Christ, an urban church originally christened as the Euclid Avenue Congregational Church in 1843, is a diverse, multiracial and multicultural, open and affirming congregation. All are welcomed! Members come from the entire metropolitan area.

Building upon the witness of Jesus Christ, our heritage and outreach, we are newly committed to being a church in mission as a nurturing and worshipping community, in service, by evangelism, and through God's transforming love and justice. In the spirit of God's Good News, we believe the best years are yet to come!

Here is what we value in this church:


There is authentic joy in gathering to worship the triune God and power in discovering that our lives working together can serve and change our community and this world with Christ as our example. We value God’s Word and believe that its message of hope, call for justice, and promise of new life is available to all.


The message of the Bible connects to the real world and helps us live our Monday through Saturday life, where beliefs aren’t rigid boxes to be checked off but springboards to imagination, meaningful action and being a disciple of Jesus Christ. We value your life experience and believe that this life of faith can intersect with your reality far beyond Sunday morning.


Absolutely everyone – seeker and Bible thumper, Democrat and Republican, gay and straight, young and old, rich and poor, women and men, coffee drinker and tea sipper – has a real place at the table. When we say all, we mean all! We value grace and love over judgment and condemnation. Everyone is welcome here.