Social Justice Ministry

Justice Ministry Mission:

To help our congregation act to bring about justice, in partnership with other justice-oriented groups in our community.

Given the call of God and the injustices in our region, country and world, we believe that neither ignorance nor inaction are acceptable.  We will help our congregation understand and act to bring about justice, with an emphasis on issues that impact our congregation and our communities. We will draw upon the faith, knowledge, skills, passion, and creativity within our congregation, and we will build on and join in the work that other groups are doing, working to empower those that have been oppressed and marginalized.

How to Get Involved:

We need your ideas, creativity and passion.  Please contact Juan Goodwin, Lay Leader ( or Rev. Carla Jo Howlett, Staff Lead ( if you're interested in joining in this work.

More Than Thoughts and Prayers: Take Action

Tell Congress to take action against gun violence by clicking here.


We Stand with Immigrants and Asylum Seekers 

"When the alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God." - Leviticus 19:33-34 

Practices of separating families, increasing immigrant detention, and redefining access to asylum is abhorrent and undermines our values.

ACT -  Tell Congress that, as a person of faith, you oppose the forcible detention and separation of families.  Click here.

WATCH - See Rev. Dr. Miguel De La Torre's powerful and compelling sermon at SEUCC's Latinx Sunday. Click here 

SEEK more information and resources from UCC. Click here.


Justice Ministry Receives a Grant from UCC

Thanks to the UCC Living Water Association, the SEUCC Justice Ministry has received a Community Engagement Grant to do a series of videos and blog posts about justice.  The goal is raise awareness among our congregation and its networks about current issues of social justice in the Greater Cleveland area and provide avenues to take action in partnership with justice-oriented local organizations.